Talent Management at Tesla, Inc.: Charging ahead or short-circuiting?

This case study explores talent attraction and retention, working conditions, and organizational culture at Tesla Inc., a leading electric car and clean energy company, through the perspective of Louis Peartree, an applicant for an HR head position at the company. The narrative contrasts Tesla’s high valuation and global prestige with criticisms about its inflexible work policies, long hours, high turnover rate, and lack of diversity. The company’s leader, Elon Musk, is noted for his visionary contributions to the electric vehicle industry but also for his controversial management style, which some argue compromises the well-being of his employees and the sustainability of the organization itself.

While examining the challenges and dilemmas that could come with an HR role at Tesla, the case study also considers the shifting expectations of the emerging workforce. The Gen Z workers’ emphasis on work-life balance, mental health, and a positive working environment prompts questions about whether Tesla’s current operating model could become a liability in attracting and retaining new talent. As Peartree prepares for his interview, he is left to reconcile his admiration for Tesla’s innovations with his concerns about its corporate culture and the potential repercussions on his career.

Author: Helena Martins, Luís Simões, Diogo Coutinho Perreira
Reference Number: NSBE 15-24001
Number of pages: 5
Publisher: Nova School of Business and Economics
Teaching Notes: Yes
Language: English
Price: 3,50
