News & Events

Bloomberg is organizing a series of Spring webinars with a set of contents for students and faculty. This Webinar series: • Demonstrates how to find relevant information on the Bloomberg Terminal • Includes a short takeaway assignment in each module • Allots time for Q&A “In the Headlines” [hour-long, hot-topic presentations led by a market specialist]...
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As a result of a partnership with Expresso, exclusive content and the weekly edition of the newspaper is available for all students, staff, faculty and alumni through the campus Wi-Fi. To access Expresso on the NOVASBE campus follow the steps listed below: Connect your mobile device to the “eduroam” network (if you’re a member of the school...
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In recent years, the library has focused on acquiring digital resources that allow its users to access information more immediately and remotely, with all the benefits of this process. 2021 was a year of limited access to physical spaces, where this investment policy in digital information was an undeniable asset. The pandemic has accelerated the consumption...
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Did you know that the library has an app where you can search and access all bibliograpahic resources subscribed? Journals, ebooks and more are available through the EBSCO Mobile app, which can be downloaded from the App store or Google play. After downloading the app, all you have to do is identify NOVA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS...
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