This is a library for a generation that understands knowledge, values and ethics are the basis for the development of a more inclusive society
Teresa e Alexandre Soares dos Santos
Summer readings are usually informal moments of leisure. It is when there is time to devote ourselves to other readings, without remorse for the work to come.
In Portugal, the conclusions of a survey on the cultural practices of the Portuguese, carried out in 2020 by the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) da Universidade de Lisboa, indicate that approximately 60% of the Portuguese do not read a book per year. Reading stimulates creativity and critical thinking, and is a fundamental exercise to improve our speech and writing.
During our academic career, we are so often confronted with mandatory reading material, handbooks, papers, conference proceedings, that few opportunities arise to dedicate any attention to books and authors for exclusive pleasure.
At Teresa e Alexandre Soares dos Santos Library you can find a good collection of informal literature, novels, chronicles, essays and biographies available for loan during a longer period than usual, so that you can enjoy your summer readings without the usual pressures of the return date.
The library team wishes you a good summer vacation and leaves you this short list of reading suggestions for the summer. We remind you that during the summer period we are open every weekday, from 9 am to 5 pm