

First published: Reuters 09/10/23 Nobel economics prize goes to Claudia Goldin American economic historian Claudia Goldin won the 2023 Nobel economics prize for her work examining wage inequality between men and women, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said on Monday. The prestigious award, formally known as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in...
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Image Source: Frits Ahlefeldt Open Science stands as a dynamic movement and approach to scientific research, championing values of transparency, accessibility, and collaboration. Its primary mission is to democratize scientific knowledge and the research process, creating a more open and inclusive environment. By removing barriers to access, and sharing research data and methodologies, Open Science...
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As the sun shines brightly and the temperatures soar, it’s time to embark on a literary journey during the blissful days of summer. Teresa and Alexandre Soares dos Santos Library is here to enrich your vacation with a carefully curated list of captivating reads that will both entertain and enlighten you. Whether you’re lounging by...
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Experience the power of ChatGPT in our Featured Reading section this month, as we embrace the remarkable capabilities of this cutting-edge technology. The world is undergoing a profound transformation through the advancements of Machine Learning, and in that same spirit, we decided to embark on an exciting new approach! Discover captivating articles from Harvard Business...
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A Pocket-Sized, Multi-Function Library Access Tool Search quickly and make research progress Designed for efficiency, the app features mobile-friendly displays for searching, scanning results, liking and sharing. The app also displays recent searches and recently viewed items. Stay organized with cross-device synchronization Researchers can jump into any step in the research process, search for articles...
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ChatGPT has been a trending topic and has provided a lively debate on the impact of artificial intelligence on our lives, in fundamental sectors of our society such as the economy, work, education, etc. The subject is not new, but the emergence of a tool that answers all our questions in a very efficient way...
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The Financial Times Business Books is an annual award, announced by the Financial Times and McKinsey & Company, with the aim of rewarding “the most compelling and enjoyable insight into modern business issues, including management, finance and economics”. The 2022 award-winning book is “Chip War : the fight for the world’s most critical technology” All...
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In recent years, the library has focused on acquiring digital resources that allow its users to access information more immediately and remotely, with all the benefits associated. 2022 saw the end of the pandemic and was a year totally free of restrictions, which allowed readers to have more direct access to our collection of physical...
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You ordered books for the Santa’s list, and they arrived in time for the holiday season!! A very diverse set of requests on the Wishlist, which will contribute greatly to enriching the thematic diversity of our collection. From more generic themes such as literature and art history, to very specific and highly specific topics such...
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